Let me know how I can assist you.

Your needs are my priority. Whether you require guidance, support, or have specific inquiries, I am here for you. Let me know how I can assist you on your journey, and together, we'll find the solutions and support that best meet your unique requirements.


Email: ravenk9dogtraining@gmail.com

Location: Essex, UK and online



  • I am based in the UK in Essex.

  • Absolutely! I’ve had multiple owners who’ve simply wanted to learn more about what makes their dog tick and how to get the most out of their relationship join.

  • My training methods are HUGELY motivational and I’m often saying to mentorship students I’d rather a dog know nothing but love training with me than a dog who knows how to sit. Creating powerful and reliable obedience that leaves both the dog and owner feeling really happy is my goal.

  • Both! There are two beings at the end of the lead and it’s my job to train you both so your relationship can flourish.

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